Refund Policy

Our refund policy at Shark Adz is designed to ensure customer satisfaction while also acknowledging the operational constraints involved in video creation and delivery. Please take note of the following terms:

  1. Non-Refundable: Once a video is created and delivered, no refunds will be issued. As our costs are incurred during the video creation process, it becomes unfeasible for us to recoup expenses after the video has been completed and delivered. Additionally, if a customer fails to provide the necessary information, does not respond to our communication attempts, or does not fill out the form they receive via email, we cannot proceed with the creation of the video. In such cases, no refunds will be issued.

  2. UGC Orders: There are no refunds on User-Generated Content (UGC) orders once the video has been delivered. Additionally, no refunds are available for product costs or shipping expenses associated with UGC orders. We do not return or send back any UGC products to customers, as our content creators retain these products. For high-ticket products, we recommend contacting us via email before shipping your product to our content creators.

  3. Unlimited Revisions: Despite our strict refund policy, we offer unlimited revisions for a period of 7 days on all ordered videos. This means that you can request revisions within 24-48 hours of placing your initial order. Exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

  4. Revision Time Limit: After the 7-day revision period has elapsed, we reserve the right to decline further revision requests, at the sole discretion of Shark Adz.

Our utmost priority at Shark Adz is to ensure your satisfaction with the final output of your video. If you have any inquiries regarding refunds, please reach out to us at

    Ordering Process:

    To place an order, simply select the desired video package and complete the payment on the provided order form. Your purchase is subject to our Terms of Use, Terms of Sale, Privacy Policy, and Copyright Policy. Once the payment is processed, you will receive an email containing a link to our video submission form, where you can provide detailed information about your product for our videographers to use in your video. Upon completion, we will promptly deliver the video to you via email. We provide free and unlimited revisions within 7 days, ensuring a swift and effective process for your satisfaction.

    Video Creation at Shark Adz:

    Our proficient video editors utilize clips from YouTube and premium stock videos to craft personalized, engaging content for each of our clients. We prioritize captivating visuals and persuasive sales copy to create compelling videos that resonate with your target audience. With our efficient workflow, we typically complete videos within 1-3 business days, recognizing the importance of timely delivery for your marketing campaigns.

    Experience the streamlined video creation process at Shark Adz, where your satisfaction is our top priority!